Clean Up Australia Day 2024
Thanks to the wonderful volunteers who braved the steamy weather this morning to join us for our Clean Up Australia Day event at Little Mountain. 24 volunteers collected lots of rubbish, though pleasing to report general feeling was an improvement on previous years. Container refund scheme still working with (only) 104 drink containers. Only 1 plastic straw (replaced with lots of paper ones), showing state ban is working too. As in previous years Slurpee cups & lids the single biggest problem closely followed by miscellaneous soft plastics. We finished up with our usual sausage sizzle and cold drink. Great to see some regular families returning and good to see some…
Currimundi Calendar 2024 on Sale Now
Our very popular Currimundi calendar filled with fabulous photos submitted by community members is now on sale again for $10.00. We are always impressed with the skill and enthusiasm of our local photographers who submitted images for consideration this year. Of course they have a great subject to work with in our local neighbourhood. The calendars make great Christmas presents and allow you to brag to your friends and family elsewhere about where you live. We will include an envelope if you need to post it. Last year we sold out before Christmas so don’t leave it until the last moment! Give Tony a call on 0435375450, or email cccginfo@currimundicatchment.org.au to arrange to pick…
World Environment Festival: ‘Community led ecosystem restoration’ walk and display
A walk through Bancroft’s Redgum Reserve CCCG will host a self-guided walk through an area of restored ecosystem as part of Sunshine Coast Environment Council’s (SCEC) World Environment Day Festival on Sunday 11 June 2023 (between 10am and 1pm) at Bancroft’s Redgum Reserve, Little Mountain. World Environment Day (WED) is a day for environmental action and is celebrated around the world on 5th June, bringing together millions of people engaging them in the effort to protect and restore the Earth. SCEC has marked WED for many years by running a festival as the largest community environmental event on the Coast and one of the longest running WED festivals in the…
8 April Working Bee Cancelled
Our monthly working bee originally scheduled for Saturday 8 April has been cancelled as it clashes with Easter weekend this year. Unfortunately we were unable tore schedule so our next working bee will be Saturday 13 May. More information closer to the event. Keep an eye on the Events section of our website (Home Page) or subscribe to our eBulletin to receive reminders of upcoming events and news in the catchment.
Currimundi Calendars Sold Out
Sorry but we have entirely sold out this year. We plan to to go ahead with a 2022 calendar again this year. We promise to print more this time! We will invite community members to submit their favourite images taken in the Currimundi catchment region later in the year. We will let you know in a future Currimundi Lake Catchment News newsletter, on this website and on our Facebook page. Stay tuned! These fun and useful calendars feature images taken in the Currimundi Lake region by local photographers. They make great Christmas presents. Show your friends and family elsewhere the wonderful neighbourhood you live in. We will supply a free…
Nesting boxes in local parks
In early February 2013 several CCCG members worked with Sunshine Coast Council Community Nature Conservation Officers Nadia and Rhonda to monitor nesting boxes which had been erected several years ago in local parks. This was an excellent example of a council-community partnership that has achieved excellent results for local wildlife. It was hard work over two days but in the end the team checked 49 nesting boxes in four parks in the catchment – 23 in Sunjewel Environmental park and Creekside, 20 in Noel Burns park and 6 in Crummunda Park. Many local residents stopped to watch, to ask questions, to offer help and everyone said what a great job…