• News and Events

    Community Water Monitoring Program Coming to an End

    After 14 years, 45 volunteers and thousands of water quality tests, CCCG have decided it’s time to end our local water monitoring program. In these times of scarce volunteer resources we are shifting our focus to other activities. Council and others will continue to monitor water quality. We would like to sincerely thank all the volunteer community members who have taken part over the years. Sunshine Coast Council who have funded and provided support for the program for many years, David and Jenny Allan who have been the backbone of the program for all 14 years and Tony Brangwin who took over as coordinator for a year. Read the full…

  • The team prepare for the survey.
    News and Events

    Currimundi Fish Survey April 2015

    Fishing is a popular recreation in the Currimundi catchment with many locals and tourists alike throwing in a line hoping for their next meal. If you’re near the Currimundi catchment from 13 – 16 April you may see members of the Currimundi Catchment Care Group with Sunshine Coast Council Waterways team and consultant Kris Pittman out on the water netting fish to assess their abundance, size and species.  Sunshine Coast Council has funded the research and results will be compared with a similar survey conducted in 2013 when more than 7,000 fish were sampled, including 16 different species. All fish are quickly returned to the water. In order to have…

  • News and Events

    Mangrove mapping in the currimundi Catchment

    On Thursday 17 October 2013, four members of the Currimundi Catchment Care Group set out in a tinnie to map the locations of mangroves in Currimundi Lake and creeks. The primary aim of this project is to determine baseline data on the locations of mangroves, their physical characteristics and the diversity of species. Follow up studies will be undertaken to examine changes in the growth of mangroves, their distribution and mangrove health. Two members of the group recently participated in a training program with MangroveWatch who developed the mangrove mapping methodology. A video camera was used to film the entire shoreline of Currimundi lake and Currimundi Creek north and south…

  • Coir log wall 2012
    News and Events

    Coir log wall project success

    This year’s coir log wall project was another great success for CCCG. We added another 90 metres of the natural erosion control  wall to the banks of Currimundi lake in Noel burns park on 22 and 23 April. Read all about the project here

  • News and Events

    Fish survey – Currimundi catchment

    If you see people out on the Lake, creeks and even the ring tank this week (15 April – 19 April)  in boats netting fish, taking photos and notes, it will be CCCG members working with aquatic ecologist Kris Pitman and Sunshine Coast Council conducting a fish survey. We have all the proper permits in place and the fish will be returned live to the water once we have catalogued, measured and photographed them. We’re hoping to establish how healthy the catchment environment is for fish which will be a good indicator of the health of the whole system. We will also establish a baseline for future surveys so we…